• Dienstag, 10. September 2024 14:19

Patch 3.3 verschiebt sich [Update]

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Neuer Termin: Mittwoch, 22. Juli von 5:00 bis 18:00 Uhr

Und hier auf Gamona sind die Patchnotes in Deutsch: http://starwars.gamona.de/swtor/patchnotes/patch-3-3-die-grose-togruta-feier/

Die Heiler sollten sich das unbedingt reinhauen!

Der SWTOR Patch 3.3, geplant für heute Nacht, verschiebt sich.

Auf unbestimmte Zeit.

Mehr Infos, wenn ich sie habe.


"Hey folks!

We are running into some issues with Game Update 3.3, and so we are going to be delaying tonight's scheduled maintenance. It is still our goal to get out Game Update 3.3 as soon as possible. I will pass on more updates tomorrow. Again, there will be no maintenance tonight which will delay the launch of Game Update 3.3.

This does have an affect on some other things as well:

    Bountry Contract Week is delayed until Game Update 3.3 goes live, and will only run until next Tuesday.
    The Outer Rim Explorer's pack will still go live tomorrow.
    The next Conquest will start on time, tomorrow.

Thank you for your understanding!


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